Online CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Online CGPA To Percentage Calculator, 12th

CGPA to Percentage Calculator: how to calculate CBSE percentage, multiply your CGPA by 9.5. For example, if your CGPA at the end of a semester is 7.8, your percentage would be 74.1%. The Full form of CGPA is Cumulative Grade Point AverageCGPA = Percentage / 9.5.

Here is an easy example: Let’s say you have a CGPA of 8.

  • You divide 8 by 9.5, which equals about 0.842.
  • Then, you multiply 0.842 by 100 to get 84.2%.

So, if your CGPA is 8.0, it’s the same as having a percentage of 84.2%.

CGPA Full FormCumulative Grand Point Average
How to Convert CGPA to PercentageCGPA /9.5 * 100
CGPA to Percentage Calculator out of 4CGPA / Maximum CGPA * 4
CGPA to Percentage in Hindiसीजीपीए को 9.5 से गुणा करें

How can CGPA be converted to Percentage?

The term CGPA is the abbreviation of Cumulative Grand Point Average. The educational sector has been using this term for the grading system. It is the average of all of the grand points that you obtain in each subject. When students fill out any form, some of these requirements add CGPA while some require them to provide Percentage; hence it is very important to know about its conversion.

Converting CGPA to Percentage is very easy. If you want to get the overall estimated Percentage, then all you need to do is multiply your CGPA by 9.5. First of all, not all of your grand points for each subject. Let you have obtained points 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, and 9 in five subjects. Initially get their average as

Average CGPA = (7+7.5+8+8.5+9)/5

Hence the average CGPA is = 8

To convert CGPA to %, use the following formula:

Percentage% = CGPA*9.5

Now get the % by multiplying the average CGPA by 9.5 as below:

Percentage% = 8*9.5

Percentage% = 76

CGPA to Percentage Converter Formula

The formula used for CGPA to Percentage conversion is very easy. It multiplies the CGPA by a scale (typically 9.5 for a 10-point scale) to obtain the percentage. The formula is: Percentage = CGPA × 9.5

Grading Systems and Conversion Factors

Grade PointGrade

How to convert GPA into Percentage

To convert your GPA (Grade Point Average) into a percentage, you typically use a standard conversion formula, although it may vary depending on your educational institution’s specific grading system. A common method is:

Percentage = (GPA/Maximum GPA) * 100, For example, if you have a GPA of 7.5 out of 10, Percentage = (7.5/10) * 100 = 75%

If your institution uses a different scale or has a unique conversion rule, consult their specific guidelines for GPA-to-percentage conversion.

CGPA to Percentage Conversion Certificate

A CGPA to Percentage Conversion Certificate is a formal university document showing a student’s CGPA to percentage. This certificate is used for students applying for jobs, higher education, or scholarships, as many institutions require a percentage score for assessment. The university’s rules and formulas do the CGPA conversion process. The certificate usually includes the student’s details, CGPA, converted percentage, and the university’s official seal and signature for authenticity.

CGPA to Percentage Calculator out of 4

To convert a CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) to a percentage, you can use a simple formula. The conversion formula can vary slightly depending on the institution, but a common method is:

Percentage= CGPA/4 *100

How to calculate the Percentage of the 12th CBSE

Calculating your 12th CBSE percentage is necessary; Here is the easy 12th percentage calculator CBSE Begin by counting the marks obtained in each subject and being aware of the maximum marks assigned by 2025. Sum up the marks for all subjects, then apply the formula (Total Marks Obtained / Maximum Marks) * 100 to derive the percentage.

How to Calculate CBSE CGPA Class 12th Result?


Here is the CGPA Formula= Sum of the main subjects /5

Then your CGPA is 8+6+7+6+8 =35

35/5 = 7 CGPA.

12th Mark Percentage Calculator 2025

To calculate the CGPA to percentage of 12th marks, follow these steps:

Step 1: Add the marks of all subjects (including optional subjects) and write the total marks.

Step 2: Divide the total marks by the total number of subjects.

Step 3: Multiply the result obtained in step 2 by 100.

Step 4: The result obtained is the percentage of marks.

For example, let’s say a student scores 70 in English, 80 in Mathematics, 75 in Physics, 85 in Chemistry, and 80 in Biology out of a total of 500 marks.

Total marks = 70 + 80 + 75 + 85 + 80 = 390

Percentage of marks = (390/500) x 100 = 78%

Therefore, the student has scored 78% in their 12th-grade exams.

Online CGPA to Percentage Calculator

How to Calculate Percentage of Class 10 CBSE

Using the 10th Mark Percentage Calculator, Students enter their marks for each subject, and the percentage calculator will automatically calculate the percentage of marks obtained. This saves time and effort in manually calculating the percentage. 10the Percentage Formula is  (value/total value)×100%.

CGPA to Percentage Table 

3 CGPA28.50%
3.1 CGPA29.45%
3.2 CGPA30.40%
3.3 CGPA31.35%
3.5 CGPA33.25%
3.6 CGPA34.20%
3.7 CGPA35.15%
3.8 CGPA36.10%
3.9 CGPA37.05%
4 CGPA38%
4.1 CGPA38.95%
4.2 CGPA39.90%
4.3 CGPA40.85%
4.4 CGPA41.80%
4.5 CGPA42.75%
4.6 CGPA43.70%
4.7 CGPA44.65%
4.8 CGPA45.60%
4.9 CGPA46.55%
5 CGPA47.50%
5.1 CGPA48.45%
5.2 CGPA49.40%
5.3 CGPA50.35%
5.4 CGPA51.30%
5.5 CGPA52.25%
5.6 CGPA53.20%
5.8 CGPA55.10%
5.9 CGPA56.05%
6 CGPA57%
6.1 CGPA57.95%
6.2 CGPA58.90%
6.3 CGPA59.85%
6.4 CGPA60.80%
6.5 CGPA61.75%
6.6 CGPA62.70%
6.7 CGPA63.65%
6.8 CGPA64.60%
6.9 CGPA65.55%
7 CGPA66.50%
7.1 CGPA67.45%
7.2 CGPA68.40%
7.3 CGPA69.35%
7.4 CGPA70.30%
7.5 CGPA71.25%
7.6 CGPA72.20%
7.7 CGPA73.15%
7.8 CGPA74.10%
7.9 CGPA75.05%
8 CGPA76%
8.1 CGPA76.95%
8.2 CGPA77.90%
8.3 CGPA78.85%
8.4 CGPA79.80%
8.5 CGPA80.75%
8.6 CGPA81.70%
8.7 CGPA82.65%
8.8 CGPA83.60%
8.9 CGPA84.55%
9 CGPA85.50%
9.1 CGPA86.45%
9.2 CGPA87.40%
9.3 CGPA88.35%
9.4 CGPA89.30%
9.5 CGPA90.25%
9.6 CGPA91.20%
9.7 CGPA92.15%
9.8 CGPA93.10%
9.9 CGPA94.05%
10 CGPA95%

CGPA Grade Table

91 to 100A110
81 to 90A29
71 to 80B18
61 to 70B27
51 to 60C16
41 to 50C25
33 to 40D4
21 to 32E10
00 to 20E20

CBSE Official Website:

CGPA to Percentage Mumbai University

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPI) is calculated based on the weighted average method which cannot be directly related to the actual percentage of marks. Here is the conversion formula used in Mumbai University Admission is an approximate representation of CGPA to Percentage.

  1. For the 7 point Grading System (CBGS), The percentage shall be calculated on the percentage of actual marks obtained by the candidate.
  2. For the 10 Point Grading System (CBCS), the formula for calculating the percentage is: Percentage (%) = 7..25*CGPI+11.

The Percentage can be calculated using the above formula and rounded to the next full integer. SOURCE

YCMOU CGPA to Percentage

यशवंतराव चव्हाण महाराष्ट्र मुक्त विद्यापीठ, नाशिकच्या सर्व अभ्यासक्रमाचे निकाल देताना CGPA मध्ये दिला जातो. मात्र काही विद्यापिठाच्या निकालामध्ये टक्केवारीने मार्कस दर्शविले जातात. त्याचप्रमाणे काही शासकीय कार्यालय टक्केवारीत मार्कस रुपांतरीत करून विद्यापीठाकडे मागणी करतात.

त्यामुळे सदरचा विषय विद्यापीठाच्या विचाराधीन होता. परीक्षा मंडळाच्या दि.१२/०७/२०१९ च्या बैठकीत CGPA टक्केवारीमध्ये रुपांतरीत करण्यासाठी पुढीलप्रमाणे सूत्र निश्चित करण्यात आले आहे. सदरची टक्केवारी आवश्यकतेनुसार संबधित अभ्यासकेंद्र प्रमुख ह्यांच्याकडून प्रमाणित करून घ्यावी. SOURCE

In the CGPA system of YCMOU University, CGPA to Percentage Equivalence calculation formula is as follows:

Percentage Equivalence= 10* CGPA -7.5 (PE = 10 Multiply by CGPA minus 7.5)

Jadavpur University CGPA to Percentage

The CGPA to Percentage formula should be simple so that it can be easily used by the admission committee and understood by others. SOURCE

The formula that AICTE and IIT Madras are using presently: Percentage = 10 * CGPA – 7.5,

The formula that NIT and CUSAT are using Presently: Percentage = 55 +10 (CGPA -6)

As per the AICTE notification, the Percentage is equivalent to a grade point on the Ten Point Scale.

GRADE POINTPercentage of Marks

CGPA To Percentage Delhi University

The formula for conversion of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) into Percentage for the final years students. The Delhi University shall adopt the formula as below for calculating the final percentage of marks. SOURCE

Final Percentage of Marks (%) = CGPA based on all six semesters * 9.5

SPPU CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Conversion from CGPA to percentage, Percentage of marks obtained by candidate= CGPA* 8.9. SOURCE






Class and degree awarded


7.42 (66%) or more

First class with distinction


6.75 (60%) or more but less than 7.41 (65.86 %)

First Class


6.18 (55%) or more but less than 6.74 (59.98%)

Higher second class


5.62 (50%) or more but less than 6.17 (54.91%)

Second class

CGPA to Percentage Calculator for Engineering

The CGPA to percentage conversion formula for Engineering is same as the other domains. You have to multiply your CGPA scores by 9.5 and you will get the percentage. CGPA * 9.5 = % (Percentage)

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